
Monday, March 30, 2020

Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI constitution and 'help' society.

I have added the photo above to show what a constitution looks like.

Here is one of the bullet points from the PTRI constitution.

The PTRI group will help society through the research projects they have undertaken. Teaching can also be part of this work.

I had purposely kept the part about helping society vague. This is because I believe there are virtually infinite ways in which one could help society. 

For example, one of the projects I am working on through PTRI, is keeping physically active. Here's what Luton Gov says about this:

Being physically active is fundamental to leading and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular participation in physical activity has multiple benefits to individuals and society.

In the bullet point from the PTRI constitution, you will see that I have placed Teaching with a bold font plus and underline. I had placed underlines for the following words in the constitution as well: Consulting, Coaching Training, Research.

Teaching, Consulting, Coaching, Research and Training play big roles in PTRI.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI, a Third Sector organization.

Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI, would fall under the third sector category. The third sector does not belong in the public sector category and it does not belong in the private sector category. Think Tanks and Research institutes are usually found in the third sector. As mentioned in previous posts, PTRI is a research institute and it is a think tank. ( You will see this when you read the attached PDF below. )

PTRI works with local and international organizations. The internet makes this possible. I had found out about the third sector for example, through my research endeavors.

Here's a link to a PDF file which provides more info on the Third Sector. It's from my Google drive.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Tornado prediction via my School of The Remote Influencer Facebook page.

The photo above is from a different tornado to the one I had predicted was going to happen. I added the photo to show people what a tornado looks like. I have become more intuitive as a result of my Remote Influencing (RI) practices.

I had had a prediction regarding a substantial tornado that was going to take place in the USA. I had written about this prediction in my Facebook page for School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI. It is always a good idea to document your work, research, predictions, findings etc. This way we can ascertain whether our work was accurate or not. I have kept a track of my work too so that I can share it when the time comes, without me having to get stressed looking for the data.

On January 26th 2020, I had predicted that a substantial tornado was going to strike in the USA. I could not pinpoint an exact location. However, I did say that the tornado would occur a few weeks after I had written my post. In my prediction, I had said that no one would get hurt. I was wrong about that part of the prediction. There was a tornado in Tennessee were at least 18 people were killed. This had happened a few days ago.

Here's a link to the Facebook post as mentioned above.


We can use our intuitive predictions and insights to help our communities and the world at large with. In future posts I will write about the other predictions that I have had or will have.